Saturday, 3 May 2008

HKYC Harbour Pursuit Race – Post-Race Log

Back to the dock, sails packed, deck gear put away, smiles and waves at our opposing opposition, and most importantly MORE cold beer. Showers, changed clothes, into the main bar, the subject of endless banter, sore sunburned bodies, comparisons of knocks and bruises and abrasions

Quotes of the day were classic. Besides the one from mainsail man 'Nige' about 'Diurnal Tide Curves' reported earlier, there were a couple of pearlers from our other crew

Mid-shipman 'Jonesy' commented at days end "Todays choice of activities was either camping in Plover Cove in the New Territories with my 13 year-old, or drink beer and sail with my mates. The beer won"

And The Helm, explaining about a growth of conglomerated blood vessels on his neck, was at once rebuked by mainsail man 'Nige' with "Nah, its probably just due to wife pecking"

So why do we do it? Why do we go out and fling ourselves mercilessly and with abandon around on a big, flying, fiberglass, projectile - on a cold, heaving, terrifying sea. Sure in the knowledge that at any moment we could be skewered by a bowsprit, suffocated by a spinnaker, or made brain-dead by a flying boom!? There can be only one answer to this age old question of all sea-goers

Because of the Beer!

With everything now packed and stowed, and 'Shikari' safely secured to the dock, until the next chapter of sea-going shenanigans

This is The Nav off up to the main bar. STARBOARD !!!

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