Saturday, 12 April 2008

Targa Tasmania 2008 Day 2 – Moonshine in Wandiligong

Ok, day 2 completed, or should I say 'A day in the life of the wine moonshine master of Wandiligong'

Off the train at Wangaratta and met by Super Dad Tony.......into town for Skipper to complete 52 minute search of local sports and bag shops for a tour bag for all his currently dispersed kit.......bag found, bought, and deemed big enough to smuggle a man-sized I.I. into HK when we get back

Nav had excellent coffee tea with Dad Tony, and compared notes over this time re the trademark characteristics of Skipper - "He likes big storage items."

Back to the homestead next, on the way noticing a statistically significant large number of police vehicles interspersed en route, seeming to be ‘monitoring’ something

Skip and Nav sat down for fab lunch put on by new Tour Mum Vera, with Dad Tony popping a 3 gallon bottle of home brewed red wine on the table and offering all a pint

After lunch Skipper and Nav back into Bright for shopping, beer, and pool (Nav 1 Skipper 0), then back to the homestead to feed ‘The Boys’

When back, Skipper and Nav complete tour of 10 acre property, correctly described by Nav as ‘heaven’

Dad Tony located at back of the property along with 8 metre stick and 5 healthy, happy, curious beef steers in attendance and hanging around – ‘The Boys’

There followed an hour of tutillage on and completion of northern Victoria walnut harvesting, and the intricacies of apple / acorn / pear horticulture, while neatly side stepping ‘The Boys’ as they focused on running us down and trampling us to death to get at the walnuts, acorns and apples. Some reflection by Nav / Ops Manager whether our Targa insurance policy covers being rumbled by a pack of ravenous bovines

Following harvesting, quick tour of the property by Skipper and Nav, with former advising that only 4 different deadly poisonous snake breeds have ever regularly been seen on the property; and that back at the homestead there is an arsenal of rifle weaponry and ammunition - big enough to have defended the Alamo - to deal with the rabbits.....with the local constabularly only completing bi-monthly visits to check for C4 and cordite

Back to the homestead, dress to head out for dinner, and another pint of Dad Tony's home brewed wine before heading out

Big strategic decision made late today. Nav to lobby Skipper about bagging lovely Tony and Vera, and storing them in car boot for use during rest of the rally to obtain quick Australia service

Decision driven by dinner tonight in Bright at busy and buzzing local pub brasserie. (Manageress) "Good evening.......table for 4? Sorry but we're very busy and booked out......oh, are these lovely, warm, friendly, happy superannuants who've just bought a full bottle of red wine over the bar with you? Be right back......(90 seconds later)......There we go sir.....Here's a big 8 seater table for you 4 right here in one of the best parts of the restaurant.....Can I help you seat yourself.....What would this lovely couple like to eat.....Can I help with anything else.....?" (Crikey Skip! With Tony and Vera in storage with us we'll be able to roll them out for free car washes, 2nd helpings of the Targa race stage lunches, good seats at briefings, and guaranteed golf T times to name but a few......what a coup!)

After dinner, back to homestead, on the way home noticing yet more police cars carefully parked monitoring some aspect of Wandiligong after dark. Back home, the 1994 BMW M3 Meschersmitt packed and sorted, Dad Tony then took us on a tour of his illicit underground wine making facilities, another pint of Tony's ‘Wandiligong Wonder’, then to bed

Key Skipper family character trait also revealed today. Dad Tony’s revellation at dinner that he "talks to The Boys not to trample and crush the walnuts while we're harvesting.....and the boys definately listen and take notes." Nav now sees the light re skipper's family character traits. Also, new decision made that we need to write a screen play and make a movie about this. Titled "Cow Whisperer of Wandiligong", with Robert Redford cast in the lead role.

Day 3 looms. This is The Nav. Over and Out.

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